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New Year’s Resolutions for the Contact Center Manager

The start of a new year can be a transformative time. It’s an opportunity to look back at the things we’ve accomplished in the previous year and reflect on what goals we have for the future. For the contact center manager, the new year is an opportunity to set new targets, including improved employee engagement and customer experiences.  

As you look forward to 2022, here are a few of the most beneficial resolutions contact center managers can set this year.  

  1. Engage and Empower Teams with Training

The contact center landscape has changed significantly in the last few years. Teams have had to adapt rapidly to new trends like hybrid and remote work while customer expectations continue to rise. Engaging, supporting, and retaining your employees in 2022 starts with finding ways to successfully empower your team with the proper training 

Contact center managers can: 

  • Take the time to provide dedicated hands on training for contact center tools as part of employee onboarding and communicate new features as they are rolled out. 
  • Use reporting and dashboard technology to determine where employees are struggling and use supporting metrics like time-to-resolution and calls per hour to direct the area of focus for training investments. 
  • Provide real-time training to hybrid staff with whisper features in the contact center. 
  • Help employees take charge of their education by tracking their performance compared to team members and deciding where they need to improve. 

2. Leverage Technology to Enhance Employee Experience

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found around 41% of American adults have experienced mental health problems due to the pandemic. Today’s employees want to work with empathetic supervisors and business leaders who do their best to improve their experience.  

Fortunately, the right technology can help contact center managers to both support their teams and simplify management. If you’re struggling with keeping track of your employees in a remote or hybrid environment, building your contact center on top of a familiar, collaborative tool like Microsoft Teams can help to keep everyone aligned.  

Companies can also leverage tools like Geomant’s Wallboard solution to support their staff with awareness, encouragement, and focus. 

3. Focus on Delivering Incredible Customer Service 

Customer expectations are higher today than ever, and clients aren’t willing to accept less-than-perfect support from the brands they interact with. Ensure you’re delivering the best customer experience possible by getting to know your customer and beginning to invest in customer service trends, like self-service.  By implementing analytics to track this information and understanding the journey of your target audience, you will be able to solve the issues your client is having with high satisfaction. 

4. Evaluate Relationships with Your Partners 

As a contact center manager, you’ll be reliant on a variety of partnerships with crucial companies. First, there’s your contact center technology provider – the company responsible for ensuring you can deliver the kind of necessary experiences your customers want. Evaluate whether the partnership meets your goals and provides the technology you need to run the best contact center in 2022.  

Does your contact center partner offer ways for you to customize your ecosystem to suit the unique needs of both your teams and your target audience? Can you partner with other companies to bring new technology into your ecosystem, such as tools for compliant call recording or professional services to connect essential software through APIs? 

If you’re not happy with your current contact center experience, it could be time to start looking for a way to upgrade or evolve.  

5. Start Making the Most of Data 

Finally, in today’s digital landscape, there are few things more important than data. The data you collect in your contact center will help to make your resolutions a reality. 

Real-time data allows you to assess the performance of team members at any given point in time throughout the day. Real-time metrics and associated alerting, displayed on a Geomant Wallboard solution, could be the key to maintaining a consistently high level of satisfaction among your clients.  

Historical data provides insight into performance trends and can allow you to analyze operations over time.  It is also helpful to predict potential peaks in demand so that you can prepare staffing levels. In the future, you’re likely to need a combination of both real-time and historical data. 

As you plan for the data and metrics you wish to monitor in 2022, be sure to include all channels of communications. Most contact centers currently support customers on several channels such as voice, chat, email, etc. It may be beneficial to review how you can collect and monitor activity from all channels for a complete view of performance in the coming year. 

Set the Right Resolutions for 2022

The new year isn’t the only time you can benefit from setting some worthwhile goals for the future of your contact center – but it can be an excellent excuse to make some changes. If you’re feeling motivated and ready to transform your contact center, contact Geomant to see how we can help you achieve your resolutions.  

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